The right methods and a lot of effort have taken Istrian olive oils to the top of the world

Olive groves are planted and olive oil is produced all over the globe, but in recent years Istria has ascended to the world throne and each new season proves that the best olive oils available to mankind come from the Istrian peninsula.

From ancient times, olives are grown in Istria and even the ancient Romans considered olive oil an obligatory part of their diet. The tradition is long, generations have alternated, but the key moment was the 1990s when the revolution in production slowly began. What was it really about? We are talking about the early harvest, which until then was incomprehensible to generations of Istrian olive growers. It did not happen overnight, nor was it massive in the beginning, even more so. Those who decided to experiment and pick olives early were looked at strangely in the 1990s. Now an early harvest is an imperative for a good part of olive growers in Istria, and additionally, unlike in the past, the now harvested olives immediately go to the oil mill for further processing.

In addition to the climate and the climatic characteristics, it is the early harvest and the fast pressing that give today’s olive oils in Istria that special and unsurpassed quality that has been recognized worldwide. Of course, the choice of varieties plays a big role as well as the micro-locations, thanks to which the trees give their best.

But all this would not be possible without the immense love and effort that we olive growers invest in the cultivation of olives, the year-round care for them and the oil production, as the last phase in which our trees selflessly reward us. We live and breathe olives on our farm, we look forward to every fruit, we take care of them and they remunerate us in an invaluable way. And that is the right path through which recognizable quality is born.