Support for community growth: Novigrad Film Festival thrives with local collaboration

For the third year in a row, Červar family proudly supports and collaborates with the Novigrad Short Film Festival (FKM). As passionate advocates of the local community, our family and our team believe in the power of involvement and the profound impact of nurturing local initiatives and projects. The Novigrad Short Film Festival has become a well-known platform for aspiring filmmakers, showcasing creative talent and bringing the community together in the celebration of art and culture.

Oduševljeni smo što smo dio ovog nevjerojatnog putovanja od samog početka. Nema ništa ljepše nego posaditi plod i gledati kako raste. U ovom slučaju pomoći u sadnji, a zatim rasti uz njega- uz ovaj inspirativni projekt. Festival nije samo platforma za filmove i filmaše, već i za sve nas ostale poduzetnike, kreativce, djecu, mlade i cijele obitelji. Od prve godine povezuje ljude i potiče osjećaj jedinstva unutar zajednice. Dok se projekt nastavlja širiti optimistično gledamo na njegovu budućnost. Vjerujemo da će u nadolazećim godinama festival biti još bolji i veći, a mi ćemo biti tu da ga podržimo na svakom koraku. 

We are thrilled to be a part of this incredible journey from the very beginning. There is nothing more beautiful than planting a tree and watching it grow. In this case, metaphorically help in the process of planting, and then grow with it – with this inspiring project. The festival is not only a platform for movies and filmmakers, but also for all the rest of us entrepreneurs, creatives, children, young people and families. From the first year, it connects people and fosters a sense of unity within the community.
As the project continues to expand, we are optimistic about its future. We believe that in the coming years the festival will be even better and bigger, and we will be there to support it every step of the way.

Community involvement is key to ensuring the success of local projects like this one. By participating, we not only contribute to the cultural development of Novigrad, but also inspire others to get involved in their own social initiatives. The festival serves as a reminder of the importance of cooperation and joint effort in nurturing local talent and creativity.

As the festival prepares for its next installment, we invite everyone to join us in supporting this amazing event. Together, we can continue to nurture a thriving community that celebrates the initiatives of its members and nurtures connections among its peers. For more information on how to get involved and support the Novigrad Short Film Festival, visit the Festival’s Website and stay tuned for exciting news.

Be sure to say hi and try our products at the next Novigrad Short Film Festival 2025.
Let’s grow together and make the next festival the best yet!

Festival official website:
Červar Evoo instagram profile:

Photos source: FKM Novigrad, Teodor Korodi